New School Bass

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Mt. Laguna

It's been hot as hell in San Diego. With a record breaking heat wave, its hard to remember what a cool night feels like. Over the past few days, it has been especially getting to me, so I had to pack up the car and head to Mt. Laguna. The timing couldn't have been better as the perseids meteor shower was peaking, the moon was just a sliver, and the sky was clear. As we got to 3000ft, the sun was making its way behind the mountains. I'm not sure if it's because of the nearby fires or it was just a special night but the sky was on fire! The sun was a molten ball melting into the horizon. As it set, it slowly became a sliver in the skyline. 

In the afterglow of the setting sun, we drove onward and upward. At around 5000ft, we stoped to watch the crescent moon rising in the waning light. As the crickets chirped, I could feel the cool breeze hit my face. After multiple days, baking in the triple digit heat, I felt like I could think clearly for the first time in weeks. I don't know how you guys down in Texas, Arizona, and where ever else its constantly hot as balls, do it. 

As we reach our outlook point, the last light had faded and the stars were illuminating the sky. On one side of me, 6000ft down to the desert floor and on the other side, Cleveland National Forest. Above me, the stars shone bright, the milky way was visible to the naked eye, and shooting stars blasted across the night sky.

Whether fishing or not, for me it's all about being outdoors. Escaping the everyday grind of life and taking a few minutes to breathe some fresh air goes a long way. With that being said, August is already just about half over. While September is a great month, make sure to get outdoors and enjoy what is left of Summer! 

Photos/Words - Michael Brown

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