Posts tagged snow
Five Ways to Get Your Bass Fix When the Temp Drops

There’s a very odd and certainly unpleasant feeling that comes with having something you desire be in sight but just barely out of reach.  No, I’m not talking about a promotion, a new car, or a vacation that you just can’t quite afford. If you’re a real bass fisherman, this means so much more than that.  I’m talking about those perfect green or brown specimens that lurk in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs across the country, ambushing preyfish, smashing lures, and ultimately capturing the hearts of millions of people who pursue them.  I’ve been utterly obsessed with bass and bass fishing for over a decade, and the deeper I get into it the more I fall in love with these tough, stocky fish and the thousands of different ways to catch them. However, where I’m from, they are all but out of reach for four, five, or sometimes even six months of the year.  A solid sheet of ice and water temperatures that dip into the lower 30s drop bass metabolisms significantly, and they become as elusive and difficult to catch as they can be.

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